6 Helpful Tips to Raising a Confident Child

Youngacademics, 06 Nov 2019
Children must be raised to be confident and have positive and realistic perceptions of their abilities. Embedding this trait is essential for their early, most crucial years and the rest of their lives. What is confidence? Confidence in children is trusting in their capabilities and learning how to handle their emotions if they aren’t successful in particular situations.
“Confidence means feeling sure of yourself and your abilities - not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic, secure way.”
- Kids Health Organisation   When someone feels confident they:
  • Feel secure rather than insecure
  • Know they can rely on their skills and strengths to handle anything that comes their way
  • Are ready to tackle everyday challenges
  • Have a mindset of “I can” rather than “I can’t.”
Raising a confident and happy child who has overall positive well-being is extremely important for parents. It sets a foundation for the rest of their lives and helps them learn necessary emotional and social skills.  

Raising a confident child: tips and tricks

Raising a confident child starts from the way you portray yourself in their presence. Children analyse every move you make, which is why you must be a great role model for them, especially when handling emotions and certain situations. In addition to this, a confident child needs encouraging words, love and praise to help develop their inner confidence. We have put together some tips on how to build self-confidence in a child.

Love your child

Although this might seem like a blatant act, it is one of the most important things you can do as a parent. Of course, you love your child, but it is about how you show it. Your child needs to feel accepted and loved, and this all starts with the family and friends. Ignoring your child or making them feel unimportant can be extremely detrimental for their development and can hinder the progress of them building self-confidence. Unconditional love builds a strong foundation for confidence. 

Praise where praise is due

You must acknowledge your child's achievements and give them praise and positive feedback. Measuring their worth, showing them that you care can be extremely beneficial in building their self-confidence. In saying that, it is essential to remain realistic in your praise. If a child fails at something or doesn't show a particular talent or skill, you can skill-praise the effort but remember to avoid praising the results unrealistically. It is also important to affirm your child that it is entirely okay to not be perfect in every skill. Reassure them that some things take practice and effort before being perfected. 

Realistic goals

Children often set themselves unrealistic goals and think that they are going to be in the State league soccer team after their first game at soccer. You must help your child set realistic goals. It will help them to understand that everything doesn't happen overnight, and it takes focus and practice to reach success. 

Self-love and positive self-talk

Modelling self-love and positivity is crucial because as previously mentioned, children mimic every move you make. You have to love yourself before you can teach your child to love themselves. Simple ways of showing this are by rewarding or praising yourself when you reach a milestone or achievement. Whether you just received a promotion at work or reached your fitness goals, show your children a small way in which you can reward yourself. This will help them understand the importance of self-love, positivity and reward.

Teach resilience

Lebron James didn't become a famous basketball player overnight. No one succeeds at everything all the time. There will always be setbacks and failures in life. It is essential to teach children that these hurdles should be seen as learning experiences rather than disappointments. 

Support their pursuit of a passion

Children appreciate the feel of support and praise. When your child discovers they are good at something, it is always lovely to respect and encourage their interests. This will help them build confidence and reach their goals. Positivity and support are critical when raising a confident child as these traits are instilled with them and taken throughout their lives. Everyone needs encouragement in life. Encouraging your child not only keeps them feeling motivated and supported, but it also gives them that inner voice that they will hold on to forever.  Why is it so essential to raise a confident child? This is because building a confident child means that they will be able to believe in themselves, be their authentic selves and understand their self-worth. Confidence is also attractive and brings forward success. Instilling these traits within a child from a young age will only help set them up for success.  At Young Academics, we ensure children are consistently supported, guided and praised through every activity they pursue. Our unique early learning programs provide children with encouraging opportunities for social learning every day, helping them build the confidence they need.  Do you want to learn more about how we implement activities that help build self-confidence in your child?  Talk to our friendly staff today! Contact us on 1300 668 993. 

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