Engaging young children in activities inside and out of the classroom are vital for their holistic development. In childcare, early learning experiences shape young children’s minds where incorporating in service experiences and excursions into educational curriculums can enrich the learning journey. In Australia, the Early Years Learning Framework recommends excursions and in service experiences for children aged 1-5 to assist with the desired outcomes needed for children to transition into school.
Early childhood services are central figures in establishing and shaping partnerships that benefit children. By staying involved and contributing to the local community, educators are able to nurture a sense of belonging for children and create a strong support networks as they grow.
Excursions take children out of the childcare setting into the community, providing real world experiences that enrich learning and development. In service experiences on the other hand bring a slice of the outside world into the childcare. This often involves inviting professionals to engage with children, offering a hands-on experience.
Enhanced Learning Experiences
Through various in service and excursions, children are exposed to experiences that develop life skills motivating learning that little bit more. Outside the early learning centre in new environments children are able to view concepts being applied in real life scenarios. For example, a trip to a local museum can assist children in better understanding scientific concepts seeing the practicality and relevance of what they are learning.
Hands on Learning
Excursions provide firsthand experiences that bring learning to life. Whether this be at a zoo, museum or just a local walk, children engage their senses and curiosity in environments rich with new sights, sounds and textures. Interactive in service experiences provide hands on learning experiences that compliment classroom learning. From art projects to science experiments, children are exposed to activities that stimulate problem solving, creativity and critical thinking. Children get to directly engage with their community experiencing exactly what it’s like to be an artist, scientist, musician or firefighter.
Community Connections
By inviting members of the community to participate in service activities, centres are able to foster and strengthen ties with local businesses and organisations. Look to collaborate with local professionals and businesses to organise diverse and engaging experiences that align with children’s interests and learning objectives.
Physical Activity
During in serve and excursion experiences children often have opportunities to run, play, walk and in general be physically active throughout the learning experience. This can help in developing gross motor skills and promoting physical activity.
Improved Social Skills
Social skills such as cooperation, communication and empathy are often developed through having members of the community attend the childcare or excursions as they are in different settings. Additionally, children may interact with people from various cultures, backgrounds and age groups helping the development and appreciation for diversity.
Young Academics
At Young Academics, we provide educational curriculums that promote engagement and learning for children aged six weeks to six years. We cultivate community within our services, contributing and giving back to local communities in which we serve to enhance our educational programs and learning experiences.
- https://activekidsgroup.com.au/benefits-of-excursions-for-children-during-their-early-learning-years/
- https://toddle.com.au/thecorkboard/excursions
- https://www.tiktocs.com.au/importance-of-educational-excursion-for-students/
- https://www.careforkids.com.au/childcarenews/2016/august/16/excursions.html
- https://www.cela.org.au/publications/amplify!-blog/jun-2017/belonging-to-the-wider-world
- https://www.fundayout.com.au/childrens-school-incursions-benefits-fun-entertainment/#:~:text=In%20addition%20to%20academic%20benefits,during%20group%20activities%20or%20challenges.